
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mastering Hormone Health

The older I get, the more interested I become in hormone health.  My interest in hormones is also peaked when I hear more and more people asking me about green smoothie recipes, as well as fruits and vegetables that support optimum hormone levels.

Symptoms of low or imbalanced hormones include weight gain (especially increased belly fat), low energy, depression, loss of libido, infertility, irritability, blood sugar issues, inability to focus and concentrate, and sleep issues...just to name a few.
The fact is that hormone levels naturally decline as you age.  In many people, this starts happening by age 35.  However, it's not the age-related hormone decline that is really the problem.
The big problem is that diet and lifestyle factors can speed up hormone decline.  More and more, I'm hearing from people in their 30s and 40s who have the hormone levels of a 70-year old!
Another big problem is that if your hormones are being impacted by a combination of diet, lifestyle and age-related decline, your doctors may not be willing to treat it, despite the fact that you feel miserable all of the time.
If your hormones are in the "normal" range, they'll say it's something else.  Your healthy hormone range might be 300-1000, and if you are 400, or 350, or even 301, you're "fine" because you are "in the normal range".  It doesn't matter if you're symptomatic.
Or they'll want to put you on hormone replacement therapy, which has a host of nasty side effects, some of which can be permanent.
Unless your hormone levels are off the chart, you might be out of luck in getting a doctor to help you optimize your hormone levels.
Fortunately, you don't have to struggle with hormones by yourself.  There is a new program created by Frederic Patenaude called Mastering Hormone Health.  I am very excited that he created this program, because I believe that hormones are such an important part of being healthy - especially as you get older.
For a limited time, you can get Mastering Hormone Health for a discounted rate.  To find out more, visit:

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