Thursday, August 21, 2014


This is my story. About the love that came alone.

Three years ago I was 23 years old and very unhappy. I had just left a rich, non-committed man who wanted to marry me and gave me everything I needed.

But one day, April 1 it was and just like in a joke I left him. There was a reason and quite a serious one. He wanted to own me. Leaving him meant losing my job (because I worked for him), my love, my comfort and money.

Another man helped me leave him; he was the third man in my life. I was madly in love with him. I simply adored him. Two months after we began dating, his ex-girlfriend called him and told him she was pregnant. He went crazy. He began behaving weird. He didn’t know what to do. Go to her or stay with me. At the end, he left me.

I cried myself out. For months and maybe years.

I started dating other men and hurting them. For only a year I went to bed with 5 men and left them in the worst possible way. I made them cry and beg me.

I felt nothing. I was the cruelest being in the world. My heart was broken and I found no meaning of life. But at a certain point I calmed down. I forgot the man that left me. He married that woman he left me for. I lost him forever and I knew I needed to move forward and to go back to normal, to somehow save my soul.

Weird enough after this so called balance, Paco appeared. I was at a bar and he approached and started talking to me. We spent our time together until 4 am and we couldn’t get enough of each other. It was hard at the beginning. He had just been abandoned by a woman he was 5 years with. So he was being mean to me. But I knew best what he felt and waited for the moment he would reach that calmness that I felt and everything will be perfect. Yes, I waited for him to go through that same hell I did, through the same agony for the unrequited love and I don’t feel sorry about it. Because now I have next to me the man I can rely on totally. I love him and I cannot imagine my life without him. We have our wedding planned in 3 months time, exactly two years after we met. And I think that happiness comes alone to us, without looking or crying for it. The only thing we need is to be at peace with ourselves.

By: Maria >>>>>>>>>>


Wednesday, August 20, 2014


These little berries aren't just good for your taste buds though; they're good for your whole body. Here are 6 reasons to eat berries!

Reason #1: Blackberries are among the top ranked antioxidant-rich
fruits and also contain high levels of fiber, manganese, copper and
vitamin C with only 61 calories and 2 grams of protein per cup.
Blackberries are also a good source of vitamins A (as beta-carotene),
B5, C, E, K and folate. One cup of blackberries provides 4% RDA
(recommended daily value) of calcium and 7% RDA of zinc.

Reason #2: Blueberries are also high in manganese, dietary fiber
and vitamins B6, C and K. They have a low glycemic load which
makes them a good berry choice for those who wish to prevent blood
sugar spikes. Studies suggest that consuming blueberries (and
cranberries) may help alleviate cognitive decline associated with
Alzheimer's disease and other age-related conditions as well as the
prevention of urinary tract infections.

Reason #3: Raspberries are very high in antioxidants and also
contain high levels of fiber, manganese and vitamin C. Other
nutrients in raspberries include vitamins B1, 2 and 3, folic acid,
magnesium, copper and iron.

Raspberries have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies suggest that
eating raspberries may prevent certain cancers and protect against
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, allergies, age-related cognitive
decline and macular degeneration (age-related vision problems).

Reason #4: Cranberries are known for their powerful, disease-
fighting antioxidant properties. Eating cranberries on a regular basis
may promote cardiovascular health, boost the immune system and
protect against certain cancers. New research suggests that
cranberries may play a role in the prevention of kidney stones and
help prevent tooth decay.

Reason #5: The nutrients in strawberries help protect against
rheumatoid arthritis and have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory
properties. Strawberries are also good for your eyes as they help
prevent age-related vision problems. Strawberries are high in vitamin
C, antioxidants and manganese. They are also good sources of
potassium, folate, riboflavin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin K,
omega-3 fatty acid, magnesium and copper.

Reason #6: Acai berry is famous for its high antioxidant content. It
is also a low glycemic berry and provides much of the same health
benefits of all the other super berries mentioned above.  Acai is best
purchased as a frozen puree, rather than an extracted juice or

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